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Cancellation and Refund Policy


PRIC TECHNOLOGY PRIVATE LIMITED Cancellation and Refund Policy

At PRIC TECHNOLOGY PRIVATE LIMITED, we are committed to ensuring satisfaction for all our customers, who we value deeply. However, given the digital nature of the content and services provided by creators on our platform, our cancellation and refund policy must reflect the specificities of these transactions. Please carefully review our policy regarding cancellations, refunds, and resolutions.

Cancellation Policy:

– Immediate Cancellations: Cancellation requests for orders will only be considered if made immediately after the order has been placed. This is due to the instantaneous nature of content delivery on our platform. Once an order is processed and access to the digital content or service is provided, cancellations cannot be accepted.

– Duplicate Transactions: In instances of duplicate transactions or overcharging due to technical errors, customers are eligible for a full refund of the duplicate payment. Such issues must be reported to our Customer Service team within 24 hours of the transaction for the refund process to be initiated.

No Refund Policy:

– Digital Content and Services: Given the nature of digital content and services offered by creators on our platform, including but not limited to, online courses, webinars, premium communication groups, and personalized sessions, we do not offer refunds or returns. Once access to the content or service has been granted, it is deemed consumed.

– Content Satisfaction: We understand that not all content may meet every customer’s expectations. While we encourage creators to ensure the highest quality and value of their offerings, the subjective nature of content satisfaction does not qualify for a refund or cancellation. We recommend customers to review all available information and previews before making a purchase.

Resolution of Issues:

– Reporting Timeline: Any issues related to content quality, accessibility, or significant discrepancies from the advertised description must be reported to our Customer Service team within 24 hours of purchase. Queries or complaints not reported within this timeframe will not be entertained.

– Quality Concerns: Should you encounter any issues with the quality of content or service, such as technical accessibility problems or significant discrepancies from the creator’s description, please contact our Customer Service team within 24 hours of your purchase. Each case will be evaluated individually, and while refunds are not guaranteed, we are dedicated to ensuring a fair resolution.

Refund Processing:

– Approved Refunds: In the rare event that a refund is approved under the stipulated conditions, such as in the case of duplicate transactions, please allow 3-5 business days for the refund process to complete. Refunds will be issued to the original method of payment unless otherwise specified.

We appreciate your understanding and adherence to our Cancellation and Refund Policy. Our goal is to facilitate a supportive and positive environment for both content creators and consumers, ensuring a productive and satisfying experience for all parties involved.

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For any queries or concerns regarding our policy, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service team.